What causes increased water retention in the body?

Water retention in the body is a common symptom that many people struggle with. But what is causing it? Is there anything I can do to reduce water retention in my body? In this article, we will answer these and other questions! Water retention is a common symptom that many people struggle with. But what is its cause? Is there anything I can do to reduce water retention in my body? This article will answer these and other questions!

Is it due to a lack of fluid or an excessive intake of sodium (salt)? If you’re holding on to more water than usual, your salt intake may have increased recently. Do you eat less fruit and vegetables than usual during this time? These foods contain potassium which helps to remove fluids from our body through urination, so if they are not consumed regularly there is a high probability of water weight gain. Drinking too much carbonated drinks or other caffeinated drinks can lead to weight gain because caffeine is a diuretic, which means it causes your body to expel more fluid than usual. A similar effect can be seen when you drink alcohol excessively.

Lack of exercise also contributes to water retention in the body due to decreased lymphatic drainage and increased blood volume. Lymphatic drainage refers to how efficiently our lymph nodes remove fluid from our body; This mostly happens when you move and sweat, but if we don’t move enough our lymph nodes will have a hard time flushing out all that extra fluid and there will soon be a build up of retained water! Blood volume increases with low levels of exercise because less oxygen circulates without exercise. When more oxygen is pumped into the blood, it helps drain excess fluid.

Do you have any of these symptoms? Antacids can be used as a temporary solution to this problem, but if you want long-term results, changing your diet and increasing physical activity are two great ways to reduce weight gain from fluid retention. If that doesn’t work, there are also medications, such as diuretics, that help your body rid itself of excess salt and fluid build-up by urinating frequently. In some cases, a hormonal imbalance can lead to water retention, so if your doctor diagnoses you have a hormonal imbalance that is causing this problem, taking medications can help as well. If neither of these options work for you, and your weight gain is affecting your mental or physical health, surgery may be another option.

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