Smoothies for health, fitness and weight loss

Smoothies are a great way to provide all the necessary nutrients for a healthy diet. Smoothies can be used as a pre- or post-workout drink and even as an easy breakfast on the go. However, not all smoothies are made the same – some may contain more calories than you need for a day! In this post, we’ll go over how to make your own fit smoothie from simple ingredients, while still enjoying it without feeling guilty.

A smoothie is made of fruit and vegetables that have been mixed into a liquid form along with other additives such as yogurt, milk, etc. Since these foods are high in fiber and water, they are filling and low in calories. They are also an excellent source of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

A smoothie is a great way to start your day – it can be filling for its fiber content, but not so heavy that you feel heavy all morning. If you like, you can add some protein powder or other powdered supplements for extra energy and strength to build muscle. However, since many brands are full of artificial sweeteners and other harmful chemicals (including soy proteins for vegetarians), it’s best to avoid them or double-check their ingredients.

For those looking to lose weight with a smoothie rather than gaining weight (perhaps by drinking it instead of a meal), simply reduce the amount of fruit and increase the amount of green leaves such as spinach, which have fewer calories than most fruit / fruit juices. Adding milk to your smoothie will also increase your calories, so consider using almond milk.

There are tons of great recipes available on the internet – look for them online or check out the healthy recipe books at your local bookstore. A few suggestions of ingredients: bananas, strawberries, blueberries, spinach / kale / apple leaves and flax seeds. The list goes on! Just make sure whatever combination of fruits you choose will have no more than about four main ingredients – blending too much will destroy the valuable nutrients in the fruit. And if possible, also add about one cup of crushed ice.

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